Thursday, February 13, 2014

DAY 1: Tales of prostitutes and beauty

Hi gang!  I've just finished my first 24 hours in Australia.   The trip started off on a great note since Gabe was nice enough to take me to the San Francisco airport all the way from Sacramento.  Thanks Gabe!

Heidi gave me free ticket (thanks Heidi!) direct to sydney on standby.  It was touch and go whether I would get a free first class ride, instead I was put in a row with a screaming baby, in a middle seat neighbored by two huge obese men who's adipose spilled over from their seat into mine.  Faced with the prospect of 15 hours of sonic terrorism and being swaddled by other mens pannis' I took the cowards way out and took enough sleeping pills to down a charging rhino.  Next thing I knew I was landing in Sydney.

I took the bus to Bondi beach and checked into the first hostel I found with a private room.  The attached picture is from Bondi.  The Bondi area is like combining the best parts of Waikiki and Rio.  The people are just as stunning as the backdrop ... they all look like Olivia Newton John and Patrick Rafter in their prime.

The people are extremely friendly.  Matt's (ICF friend) buddy Dave (Sydney local) invited me to a surfing birthday party near the town of Foster.  A friend of Dave (who I have never met) will be driving me 4 hours to the beach cabins ... unbelievable friendliness abounds ...

The first person I met in Sydney was a very comely 40 year old escort who is writing a book about her life as a high priced prostitute.   I was super jet lagged and fresh off the plane sitting in a health food store not expecting such fantastic company ...

Day 1 was so amazing, I may have already peaked and the rest of the trip will be downhill!

Time to pack up and get ready to go surfing ...

- Tony