Thursday, September 13, 2018

Euro Trip, 2018

2018 European Campervan Route.

Happy to be home after a 6-week 25-city whirlwind tour of Europe!  A list of all cities visited is presented as Table 1 at the bottom of this post.

After leaving England a month ago, Natasha, Sebastian, and I conquered Aarhus on bike, then I reunited with Viola, Miri, and Daan to campervan from the Netherlands to Northern Spain.  

Subsequently, I went to a surfing camp in Esmoriz near Porto, Portugal and ended the trip exploring the city and beaches near Lisbon.

The Denmark to Spain Campervan Crew!

Some lessons learned along the way on this trip: 
  1. Germans like to skinny dip when drinking and can run surprisingly fast when you try to steal their clothes, 
  2. the Danish are a wonderful enlightened people that are terrified of direct sunlight without sunscreen, 
  3. the French are very good at building castles and bakeries, how they make some of the best pastries in the world while staying petite is something the scientific community should spend more time researching, 
  4. perhaps to compensate for how freezing their waters are, the Portuguese are a warm and welcoming people, and 
  5.  the north coast of Spain is gorgeous and bespeckled with charming little coastal towns that are surprisingly campervan friendly (as long as you ignore all the signs that say no campervan parking).
Looking forward to seeing my Cali friends again, IM me so we can meet up for coffee and/or shenanigans! 

I’m not very good at metric, so I’ll estimate that this was a triple-overhead wave when I dropped in :)

Sebastian busting some pretty fly dance moves at the Aarhus museum.

Each morning Miri and Viola would feed the camper driver with pastries
… good thing I wore stretchy pants :)

My newfound friends at the Surfivor surf camp.  Who knew that Esmoriz, Portugal was one of the best places to try and learn German?  Fun fact … Khaled “The Legend” Tayeb is the only one sporting breakfast red wine rather than a surfboard

Tasha striking a pose on the Infinity Bridge along our cycling tour of Aarhus.

The tiny town of Getaria, Spain.  Our camper is parked top left.  It cost an exorbitant 3 euros a day to park here … luckily we were able to split the cost between the 4 of us :)

Viola schnell’s off for her birthday surf in Zarautz, Spain.
Our trusty campervan ‘Hedwig’ is in the backdrop.  It looked and performed like a Winnebago built in a communist bloc country in the 1960’s.  When we hit the breaks, the cabinets would frequently open and disgorge their contents on a lucky passenger :)

The ridiculously photogenic comedy team of Sebastian and Natasha
with the Aarhus infinity bridge in the backdrop.

Getting some culture at the Bilboa Guggenheim.  Well, maybe not that much culture, we never went inside, we just posed with the puppy made of flowers :)

The first night of our camper trip we parked in the dark in a little town after getting lost.  Turns out we parked in front of a hotel/palace that was nearly empty.  The staff set up a table and served us coffee while we had a private view of the palace gardens.  When we asked for the bathroom, we found one that the doors opened up so you could watch swans swim in a little pond while relieving oneself.  The entire experience cost us 2 euros each … Starbucks really has to up their game if they want to compete with this place :)

Jorn’s sister Barbara and her husband Mads were kind enough to take me on a cycling tour of their town of Copenhagen!

Miri’s ankle was still recovering from her skydiving accident, so she could not go sunset surfing with Viola and I.  Instead, she made us a delicious vegan curry dinner and met us outside the camper wearing nothing but an apron we returned.  One of life’s magic little moments!

A quick post surf glass of wine turned into an all day tasting where we decided we should put our ‘happy to pay price’ for each bottle of wine we tasted on our forehead.  I don’t remember the rules, but I’m sure that Sofia laughed the most and Khaled lapped us at some point :)

Breakfast at a Carvoeira B&B near one of Viola’s favorite yoga/surf camp.  Quite a step up from the 4-person dogpile in our former camper.

Lisbon throws computer scientists some love with this parking lot art installation.

Post surf beer and cross dressing for the last of the week one surf group.

Abendbrot with Viola’s charming parents in their backyard garden in Kiel.

Surfer field trip to Porto.  We started by train in the afternoon, we returned via uber at 4:30am, not everyone made the next mornings surf :)

Table 1.  Here are the cities visited, since we were trying to find remote places in the camper, many of them are a little off the normal beaten path.  Let me know if you plan to visit any and I’m happy to share travel advice.

Special thanks to Miri and Viola for doing all the campervan route planning!

1. London, England
2. Oxfordshire, England
3. Brighton, England
4. Cambridge, England
5. Copenhagen, Denmark
6. Aarhus, Denmark
7. Odense, Denmark
8. Kiel, Germany
9. Sprundel, Netherlands
10. Ermenonville, France
11. Nonaville, France
12. Bordeaux, France
13. Moliets-et-Maa, France
14. Biarritz, , France
15. San Sebastián, Spain
16. Zarautz, Spain
17. Getaria, Spain
18. Bilbao, Spain
19. Sopelana, Spain
20. Santoña, Spain
21. Esmoriz, Portugal
22. Espinho, Portugal
23. Porto, Portugal
24. Lisbon, Portugal
25. Carvoeira, Portugal

Thursday, August 9, 2018

England, 2018

Not sure how to pose for the London Bridge, 
but mid pub crawl, this felt right at the time.

England wildly exceeded my expectations as a fun place to visit due in large part to the company of wonderful friends, each of which I have not seen in 4+ years!

Thanks to Mike, Abby, and Hector the lab 
for showing me around the Brighton hillside.

My route was London to visit Natasha, Oxford to go to a festival with Monika, Brighton to see Maike, and Cambridge to see Andrew (AJ).  It was too much to try and pack into 8 days ... but it was fun trying!

AJ and Sierra cycling trip around the colleges of Oxford.

I did not have much previous interest to visit the UK since I thought it was not exotic enough to justify a trip so far away to a place where they speak my language.  I was wrong on both fronts, it has many gems to offer and the accents were often so thick that I found the natives delightfully incomprehensible

4 days at the Wilderness Festival near Oxford.
It was kind of like a BurningMan
if it was designed by vegan yoga enthusiasts.

Pinkies out during teatime in the english countryside. The reality is that we drank coffee and I had to ask them for a posh pose, but it was satisfying nonetheless.

Sean and Stevie were kind enough to adopt me and invited me to dance with them till daybreak at the festival. They were both professional dancers, but were very patient with me when I tried to swing dance to techno.

It is not a proper festival till a friend passes out on the lawn next to you mid-conversation. Yes I know I've probably told that story before Monika ... but you don't have to fake a snore to get me to stop talking.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

San Francisco Marathon, 2018

I just landed in London a few hours ago and will be in Europe for the next month or so.  The plan is UK, Denmark, then a road trip to Spain. Please IM me if you are near and we can hopefully catch up!

The pictures are from the San Fancisco half marathon last Sunday.  Lots of fun hanging out with Rich, Lisa, and Ricky.  

Who needs training when we have advil and caffeine :) T

Golden gate bridge selfie at 7am. It was soooooo cold when you stopped running, but how can you pass up this landmark???

Sorry Rich ... the art and pre-race excitement got the better of me!

Lisa, Ricky, and I enjoying a 9am beer after the race.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Yosemite, 2018

Breathtaking sunset from our Yosemite campsite.

Thank you all for the wonderful birthday messages, it made my day to hear from new and old friends alike!

I would have responded sooner, but I was backpacking with the boys in Yosemite for the last 5 days and had no phone signal.  We collected some amazing memories, photos, and unfortunately smells :)

I need a caption please!

We made ‘ooohs’ and ‘aaaahs’ like we were watching fireworks when approaching each alpine lake more stunning than the last.

Our swimming hole for the last two days.

We hiked to Roosevelt Lake to get away from the crowds of Upper Young Lake.  By crowds, I mean the only other backpacking group we met at altitude during the whole trip :)

Upper Young Lake.

The marshlands near Roosevelt Lake.

Some people travel the world to see tall waterfalls, but the one-foot ones are a lot easier to photograph :)

My mind kept drifting to Prince’s lyrics “an ocean of violets in bloom” each time we came across a field of amazing wildflowers.

Thank you delightful wildflowers.

I needed NASA designed ultra-light space age materials to complete the trek … Craig needed only a scrap of tarp and a mosquito net!

Friday, July 6, 2018

Costa Rica, 2018

Las mujeres me quiren, las olas me temen.

The amazingly wonderful surf instructors at School of the World.

Just completed a quick trip to Costa Rica to catch up with some wonderful friends.  I'm now in Texas visiting with my parents and will be back in California next week.

Months of training for the Alcatraz swim (which unfortunately was canceled due to weather) definitely helped on paddling endurance and it was fun working on surfing technique rather than battling exhaustion.

Sunset viewing party after a full day surfing.
After years of Ivan and Cristian telling me not to look at my feet while surfing, I finally decided to listen to them, but in my defense, my feet are just a lot better looking than theirs, so admiring them is a tough habit to break

Kristín (Reggae Shark) will be in Jaco soon, so there is talk of a  School of the World get-together in the works before the end of the year.  IM me if you are interested and we can see what dates for a reunion works best!

She has a Dutch accent on land, a British accent while teaching yoga, I'm pretty sure she is a secret agent, but she gives me great surf tips and rarely throws mud at me anymore.

Thankfully, due to strict gun control in Costa Rica, my 'friends' were only able to attack me with items that could be purchased at the Frutaria.

Thanks to Caliche and Louis for making us a wonderful homemade meal. Andy and I really enjoyed getting honorary-hot-chick-status by hanging around this bevy of beauties

Only a day after receiving 12 staples to the noggin after a surfing accident, tough-as-nails-Whitney was not going to miss a party!

We all cope with World Cup stress in our own ways.