Friday, April 11, 2014

Week 8: Greetings from Southeast Asia

I’m currently on a little island called Ko Tao which is located around 300 miles south of Bangkok in the Gulf of Thailand.  I’m here principally to scuba dive.  I start my Rescue Diver course tomorrow and we are going to simulate all sorts of emergency situations.  The running joke in the community is that a person is far more likely to get killed by a vending machine than by a shark or underwater mishap … however, it is still fun to train and build skills that I’ll hopefully never have to use :)

It was bitter sweet to leave New Zealand.  Its unspoiled beauty, coupled with the wonderful people I was able to camp and travel with, made for one of the best vacations in my life.  It was a pretty radical transition to leave from Auckland and land in Bangkok … it is hard to believe that both cities are on the same planet.

I picked a hotel in Bangkok next to foreign embassies since I needed some visas processed for my ensuing travel.  As it turns out, that landed me in the dystopic cesspool area of Bangkok.  It was hard to reconcile that days before I was wearing crampons climbing a glacier in NZ when I was in my new city tramping through oppressive heat with women & ladyboys offering massagi’s.  I enjoyed the blade-runner feel of the place for about 2 days before I made a break for the islands.

I plan on being in India from May 1st to May 19th, but other than that leg of the trip, things are pretty fluid.  I figure I will hang out in Thailand to dive and maybe make a brief trip to Cambodia and/or Vietnam before trying to make it over to Nepal then India.

The attached photos are from NZ and one from Thailand.  The first was ice-climbing on a fast moving glacier.  Minutes later our group did a sun salutation led by a yoga instructor who was in our climbing party.  The camping site was near a beach in Western NZ.  It looked like a scene from the show Lost … thankfully no smoke-monsters attacked us.  The third photo was as a rest stop on the NZ south island … words can’t describe how breathtaking it was in person.  The sunset photo is from a beach at Ko Tao … not a bad way to end a day :)

- Tony