Sunday, January 7, 2018

Sydney, 2018

Sydney, you tried to burn me alive with your summer sun, but I forgive you because you were so much fun :)

Nacho shared his vision of wacky jumping and we tried for 30 minutes to make his composition come to life.
Sydney Harbour Bridge & Opera House.
So wonderful to see Lucia again!

I had no plans when I flew here 4 days ago, but thankfully Lucia (my Spanish instructor from the School of the World in Costa Rica) lives here and was kind enough to show me the town with her wonderful group of friends.

We saw the opera house, harbor bridge, botanical gardens, Manly, and ended the day trying to make Matrix-like jumping poses at sunset on Bondi ... it was nonstop laughs.

Lucia and her wonderful party posse.

Today I head for the Whitsunday Islands and then off to Melbourne to reunite with friends from Cuba/Galapagos ... can't wait to see the gang again!
My running route along the cliffs north of Bondi.

Trinity poses take #1. Nacho goes rogue ninja.

Lucia shows us how it should be done.

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